Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Make It to the Altar Cover Reveal + Surprise Cover Reveal by Fiona Cole

Double Cover Reveal

A new title and a whole new look for Shame (formerly Shame Me Not)

It took Kevin and Ana ten years to find their happily ever after, and they can't wait to claim each other as husband and wife. 
But when one thing after the next goes wrong, they begin to wonder if they’ll ever get to say their ‘I do’s’.
As Ana starts to crumble under the stress, Kevin knows that he needs a plan. Her submission calms her, his control centers them both, and speeding up their path to matrimony seems to be the best course of action.
That is, if they can make it to the altar.

Coming February 8th
Sign Up HERE

 With a bottle of wine in my hand and a plan to seduce my fiancée, I stuck my key in the door, ready to claim my prize, until I heard the feral, agonized scream on the other side of the door. My fingers fumbled, and I almost dropped the keys. Frantically, I shoved the key into the lock and slammed the door open, running down the hallway, wine bottle overhead, ready to use it as a weapon. I slid into the great area and looked to the right to see the living room empty.
I looked to the left to find a distraught Ana, her chest heaving over quick breaths as she glared at the TV.
"Fuck, Ana. Are you okay?" I barely got the words out, my heart pounding a thousand miles a minute, trying to come down from the adrenaline coursing through my body. I took a deep breath and walked toward the island to set the wine down. "Ana." I said her name again when her eyes glazed over with tears.
“Our church.” That was all she said, barely croaking it out as she lifted her hand, gesturing toward the TV.
“What?” I rounded the island, approaching her like I would a wild animal.
“Our church, it’s gone.” The first tear fell when I reached her, and I pulled her into my arms. Rocking her, I looked to see what was on TV, and sure enough, there was a newscast covering how the church we were supposed to get married in had burnt down. Fuck me. Ana loved that church.
“Shh. Shh.” I ran my hands down her long hair. “We’ll find a new one.”
“Find a new one?” She jerked her head back, brows lowered, mouth pinched. “That church was a miracle, and now it's fucking gone. Where are we going to find another church, Kevin?" She pulled out of my arms with a humorless laugh. "We'll add it to the list, right after a new bakery." Running her hands through her hair, she walked to the edge of the island and tossed her arms wide. "Oh, yeah. We need to find another florist because we won't be able to get our flowers after some twelve-year-old fucked it all up."
“What?” I was trying to follow what she was saying, but the way she rambled and was choking back sobs made it difficult. My mind was spinning with ways to keep up. "The flowers?"
“Yeah, just got off a phone call with them.” She turned to me with sad, defeated eyes and just stared. I held her gaze, trying to see what to do next. Her chest moved faster and faster like she couldn't control her breathing. "Fuck!" she shouted, turning to lean over the counter. "Fuck this stupid wedding. Fuck the people. Fuck the flowers. Fuck the cake. Fuck everything. This is so fuck—”
“That’s enough.” My voice was hard and loud, demanding she stop. Her fists clenched against the granite and her hair fell like a curtain, hiding her face from me. I had to stop her from spiraling out of control. And I only knew one way to do it. It may not have been exactly how I planned our night going, but she needed me to take control and give her a reprieve from thinking about the wedding. “Kneel.”
She stood, shaking her head. “Kevin, I’m not in the—.”
“I said, kneel.” I deepened my tone, not allowing any question whether I was serious and not taking no for an answer. When she turned to look at me finally, I made my eyes hard, steady, ready to take on her pain. She took in a shaky breath as she faced me. “I won’t say it again, Anabelle.”
Swallowing hard, she knelt.
I turned the TV off and walked over to her before burrowing my hands into her hair to pull it off her face. Fisting it tight, I jerked her head back, so she had no choice but to look at me. “Take my cock out—quickly—and get me hard. Use your mouth.”
Fiona Cole is a military wife and a stay at home mom with degrees in biology and chemistry. As much as she loved science, she decided to postpone her career to stay at home with her two little girls, and immersed herself in the world of books until finally deciding to write her own.

 Fiona loves hearing from her readers, so be sure to follow her on social media.

Instagram, Pinterest, & Twitter: @authorfionacole
(All books are FREE in Kindle Unlimited)

Amazon ~ Goodreads

 Amazon ~ Goodreads

Goodreads - Coming to Amazon in Late January

Monday, December 4, 2017

Finding Perfection by Cassandra Giovanni Review and Blog Tour + Giveaway

River Ahlers is damaged goods. On the surface she's a driven businesswoman, leading a new division of the marketing firm she works for. But she knows better than anyone that being driven also tends to drive people away. At twenty-eight she's made some of the toughest decisions of her life by burying the reason she's damaged deep inside her. That is until she walks into a tattoo parlor and falls into the arms of someone else just as broken.

West Brighton is bad news. He's a tattooed rebel with more money than he needs, and so many scars on his heart, he's sure there's no way to let someone in. Until River, but she's still stuck on her ex and his friend -- Adam Beckerson.

Adam Beckerson is a changed man. He's made a successful career for himself and his best friend, Tara, hasn't left his side. She gets him-- the real him that he's never shown anyone, but there's still something missing.

Each one of them is beautifully flawed, and in one another they can find perfection, if only they are willing to reshape their shattered dreams into new, better ones.
Amazon ~ B&N
Flawed Perfection: FREE
Amazon ~ B&N

Faded Perfection: $1.99
Amazon ~ B&N


"I never really pictured you with a guy like Adam," West said, and we stopped walking as we reached the stairs. He turned to face me, cocking his head. "You're both too high strung. There's no balance there."

"High strung?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at him. I'd never been mad at West before, but at that moment I felt the warmth turning into burning anger.

He leaned forward and kissed my nose. "Absolutely nothing wrong with that."

And like that, it melted away.

"I think I just miss him," I replied with a nod.

West smirked. "And you're realizing what an ass Adam was."

"You're his friend!" I shot back and West shrugged.

"That doesn't mean I think he deserved you," he said, and his neck turned red.

"Are you jealous?" I asked, elbowing him.

He pulled me into his arms, his eyes teasing as he leaned down and pressed his lips to mine. The fire ignited in my heart, and the kiss deepened, taking any thoughts of either of the Beckerson boys always immediately. West's lips moved away from mine, but I could still feel his breath on them as he tangled his hands in my hair.

"Not at all. You're mine," West whispered, and there was a painful edge to his voice as if there was a silent for now at the end.

"For as long as you want me," I replied, trying to convince him with my eyes that I meant it.

"I'd like that to be a very long time, Riv. Is that a promise you want to make?"

I leaned up on my toes, pressing my hands into his shoulders as my lips met his ear.

"I promise."

"I hope you don't mind. I changed our plans a bit. I figured we couldn't go into the city with the pups, and I know it's a bit too cold for the ocean, but I figured we could go to the Cape. Maybe have a game of volleyball, and eat the last lobster rolls of the season. Just meander the coast."

The piece of waffle went heavy, sticking in my throat as I swallowed.

The Cape.

The last time I'd been there, Adam and Bobby had fought, and Tara had come away with a concussion. My ears rang, and I could feel the blood drain from my face. West slowly put his paper cup down.

"Are you okay?" he asked, concern showing in the way his eyes flickered over mine.

I closed my eyes, inhaling through my nose. "The last time I went..."

"It was with them?" West filled in the blank, and his voice went hard at the edges. I opened my eyes to see him leaning against the kitchen island, his tattoos flattening against his arms.

"Yeah, there was a big fight. Tara ended up going to the hospital," I replied, and West's eyes widened. "Accidentally. Bobby pushed Adam, and he went into Tara. She hit the volleyball net's post."

West looked ahead, his tongue running over the inside of his cheek before he turned to look at me. His green eyes twinkled with a new enthusiasm. "So we fix it."

"Fix what?" I asked, looking at the once tasty breakfast that was now getting cold.

"Bad memories. We're going to make new good ones to replace them," West replied before nodding to our breakfast. "Starting with the general birthday suckage and moving onto specifics like the Cape. When was the last time you played volleyball?"

I swallowed, and West gave a knowing nod before playing with his waffles. His voice was deep as he continued, "Ate a lobster roll?"

This time his eyes rose to mine.

"He ruined a lot of things for you, didn't he?"

"The lobster roll wasn't a bad memory," I replied, and he took an angry bite of his waffle, smearing whip cream across his cheek.

"I'm going to make it better," he said through his full mouth.

I laughed leaning up and kissing away the cream. "I'm sure you will."

One of his eyebrows rose. "Eat up, Missy. I have an ex-boyfriend to show up."

I laughed at that, taking a bite of the fantastic waffles and the strawberries we'd grown together. The crop had been so plentiful that half the freezer in West's house was filled with them, and there were another two bags in my freezer. The waffles beat Adam's perfectly gooey in the middle pancakes because they symbolized West and I. Something different. Something sweet and that we made together. Like he intrinsically knew that breakfast food like this would be the start of a perfect day.

"You're already winning," I said, popping the last strawberry in my mouth.

"And how is that?" West asked as he took my plate to put it in the dishwasher. I bit my lip at the way his ass looked perfect in his jeans.

He turned, and I signaled with my finger for him to lean over the island to me. I kissed him once slowly, and then pulled away, pressing our foreheads together.

"By being you."
Cassandra doesn’t remember a time when she wasn’t writing. In fact, the first time she was published was when she was seven years old and won a contest to be published in an American Girl Doll novel. Since then Cassandra has written more novels than she can count and put just as many in the circular bin. Her personal goal with her writing is to show the reader the character’s stories through their dialogue and actions instead of just telling the reader what is happening. Besides being a writer, Cassandra is a professional photographer known for her automotive, nature and architectural shots. She is happily married to the man of her dreams and they live in the rolling hills of New England with their dogs, Bubski and Kanga.

Cassandra Giovanni is published by Show n’ot Tell Publishing based out of Connecticut, USA

Connect with Cassandra on Facebook, Goodreads and Twitter.  Learn more about her and her novels at her website, and read the first ten chapters of each of her published novels through her Book Catalog.
The Boys of Fallout Series
FREE on Kindle Unlimited
Out of Beat: Amazon
Behind the Lens: Amazon
Rebel Cause: Amazon

Finding the Cure
Amazon ~ Kobo ~ Google Play ~ B&N

In Between the Seasons (The Fall Series #1)

Love Exactly  

 Walking in the Shadows 
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Tuesday, October 17, 2017

You're All I Want For Christmas by Karen Cimms Release Blitz

A Christmas Novella in the Of Love and Madness Series

Billy crossed the hall into his bedroom where Kate was plugging in the last of the electric candles she’d set in each window.
She flicked it on. “I guess that’s that.” 
His hand covered hers. “Do me a favor and don’t turn this one off. I want to know there’s a light burning in our bedroom window until I come home.” 

When a world tour opening for a major band suddenly falls through, Billy McDonald is forced to take the only gig available, even if it means he’ll be spending the holidays on the other side of the country. 

Christmas has always been Kate’s favorite holiday. But this year, she just can’t get into the spirit. With Billy on tour, her best friend on vacation in Hawaii, two young children to wrangle, a Santa’s Workshop to run, and an extended visit from her estranged mother looming, Kate needs a Christmas miracle.

Set in 1995, “You’re All I Want for Christmas” is a holiday novella from the “Of Love and Madness” series.
Amazon ~ FREE on Kindle Unlimited
At This Moment FREE
Karen Cimms was born and raised in New Jersey and still thinks of the Garden State as home. She is a journalist and lifestyle editor of a daily newspaper. She and her husband live in Northeast Pennsylvania. They have four children.

Twitter: @KCimms
At This Moment: Of Love and Madness Book One

We All Fall Down: Of Love and Madness Book Two

We All Fall Down: Of Love and Madness Book Three
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